Sweden is lurking behind your back

Wherever Denmark and Sweden happened to be at the same place during their long history, it was probably wiser to back up… or so I imagine.
Watching Northern Europe work nowadays so closely together is pretty amazing, considering how they used to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other in the past.

Speaking of Rome, there is this story about a queen that was captured as her country was conquered by Rome. As she was paraded through the streets in golden chains, Roman citizens started whispering, “The queen is so admirable and classy! And such a beauty too!”

What followed was a serious captured-queen-fever, she was given a palace and her whole family ended up living in luxury… Whether a true story or not, it’s certainly interesting.

Faces are so difficult…

Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original

Grandpa Rome and Spartacus

Rome, 73 B.C.

【 Mount Vesuvius 】

The volcano that Spartacus settled onto after his grand victory and escape from the gladiator school.
It’s well-known in Japan because of Pompeii.
The amusing thing I found from the Pompeii excavation findings is that everyone in Pompeii, from the rich to the slaves, had excellent nutrition.
The inquiries they had towards the grand things in Roman Cultural Sphere seemed to be out of jealousy.

【 Trivial Trivia 】
·Romans loved to drink alcohol after a bath.
The bath → drink combo is simple Roman taste.

Translation: spaceinvaderdud
LJ | Original




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