Dejected collection



Trasnlation: tarafishes

He wants to be kicked by the rabbits throughout the world.

It seems like I’ll be done with what I’m currently doing soon.
The goal is already quite far in the future, however I will continue to do my best.

Nonetheless, the fact is that my house is in the Northeast; nevertheless, rather warm weather’s been coming.
Everybody, please keep track of your health in this season as well.
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“Salzburg died beautifully.”

The news is a little old, but collecting Japanese news is cute.
Korea’s emotions are very straight, while Austria expresses things poetically. Their national character comes out great.
Thanks for the information!

[T/N: Basically, the article was something like:

The 2014 Winter Olympics has finally been decided to take place in Sochi, Russia. These articles concern the two cities who were defeated [Salzburg, Austria and Pyeongchang, South Korea].

[Reported from Seoul]Ever since early in the morning as they were waiting for the event in front of (some place, sorry can’t read), 3000 citizens wearing hachimaki and native clothes protested. “It couldn’t we helped. It’s because we’re a small country” said a 30-ish Seoul company employee. “Did the concerned swing votes get counted?” “No wonder, Russia has a lot of national funds and political influence”, etc., the media analyzed Korea’s diplomatic power.

But in the end, they fought well. The final vote was 47 vs. 51. After they lost, “We persevered pretty well, didn’t we?” Looking from a bystander’s POV, “It was a pretty good fight against Russia’s famous resort areas.” And regarding money, Russia has pretty much used up all of it. Well, just keep challenging and it may happen in the future!

[Reported from Berlin] When Salzburg’s defeat was decided, there was big disappointment in the city. “The Olympic fire could not be lighted in Salzburg” was the main caption published. In the photos, the Olympics personnel covered their faces with both hands (LOL FACEPALM) and sighed. After receiving news of the defeat, the Austrian Olympics ambassador said, “It is indeed very regrettable. Right now blood is pouring from my heart.” The disappointment stated was a little exaggerated. Still, the ambassador and staff member’s presentation was given with sunken shoulders “Salzburg was struck down by two mighty cities.” Austria has already held the Olympics twice, but Salzburg, being the place where Mozart was born, gives off the elegant feel of a “music city”, so it is hard to sell a modern image. As for the Austrian prime minister who accepted defeat gracefully, “The Olympic tournament has three medals, gold, silver, and bronze. But only one contender may receive the gold medal. Salzburg died beautifully.”]

Personally, I think Salzburg is most suitable to host the Olympics. Not only are alpine competitions very popular in the country, their event management is very knowledgable and abundant. However, there wasn’t any money, huh?]

Translation: kagami222
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