
I’m so sorry! Seems like it [my cold] came back again.
These days, I feel I completely know how serious a matter my health is.
I feel my fever going dowwwn.

Because I made mistakes here and there and some spelling mistakes before, I’m fixing it!
Thank you for reporting it.

The sequel comic to the postcript from volume 2 part 2.
※I forgot the sequel.
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Today’s scribbles





Excavation of Brian Boitano Part 9

This was the beginning of the horror of the Shut Up T-shirts…

I’m pretty sure this is in the manga section, but I’ll upload it here too.

When you crop his face right here, he looks kinda weird.

Mini character series.

I ended up drawing a new set of illustrations, but I like these too, so I’m posting them here.

Translation: donamoeba

When You Get A Little Change Of Pace It’s A Good Feeling

For a change of pace, I took a good walk. Thank you very much for the requests.

>little Greece

[T/N: Arete: Basically “goodness”, “excellence”, or “virtue” of any kind. In ancient Greece, it was what everyone aspired to, living up to your full potential.
Mousakka: A type of Greek food, consisting of eggplant and tomatoes, usually with minced meat as well. Greece seems to be implying here that he wants mousakka rather than Turkish food, although it says on Wikipedia that there is a similar Turkish version, too. But the Turkish one is different, so maybe Greece just wants his version?
Souvlaki: A Greek fast food, consisting of meat or vegetables on skewers. I believe Greece is referring to shish kebabs, which are basically the same, and appear in Turkish cuisine.
“Yes yes cats”: The Japanese said “Fumi neko fumi neko”, which is a version of “fumu”, and means “I see”, so what it seems to be is he’s lecturing to the cats and they’re sort of agreeing but not really paying attention.]

>Prussia read “How To Socialize With People”

Translation: rinrin0, tarafishes, hirothepenguin
LJ | Original

Here are requested items

Hello, I’m Himaruya Hidekaz. Although I’m tired, it seems things will work out, I want to draw comics soon!
So here are requested items. Thank you for the requests!

>Punching Scottish Fold cat

>Usaji’s characteristics

>Germany & Russia & Finland

>Italy brothers

>A sort-of young Romano

>A happy Finland

>Little Prussia

Ferocious even if it’s small.

Translation: spaghettifelice