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Next will be the middle-aged dude, or Muscles.

>Monaco has worn all different kinds of costumes without resistance. Is this France’s influence showing?

It’s a mix of France’s influence, and Monaco’s festivity-loving personality. If it seems like there’s some fun to be had that day, she’s totally fine with wearing some crazy clothes to liven things up. Normally, she probably wears simple but expensive clothing.

>Since Spain’s boxers also have a tomato pattern on them, do he and Romano have matching underwear?

They do match, but Spain’s tomatoes are a little bigger.

>I’ve been thinking that I’d like to start studying a new foreign language. Which one would you recommend learning after English?

The language of a country you like! Liking the topic you’re studying motivates you to learn faster.

Sometimes it also happens that you start studying something you weren’t particularly interested in before and develop a love for it as you go, so there might also be merit to doing a broad, superficial study of a whole bunch of different languages.

>The movie Shopping Tour, which displays the typical brand of Finnish-style cruelty, was really something.

Ah, you mean the chaotic horror movie released by Russia and Finland! It poked fun at both countries, which made me laugh.
When you think about the Russian and Finnish staff working together on this super low budget, super low production-time movie together, the lines in the movie start to look kind of cute.

I feel like Russia and Scandinavia have a lot of mystifying horror movies, like two movies that feature in my top 30 favorite horror movie list, Zombie Fever (Russia), and Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre (Iceland).

When it comes to Norwegian horror, for every movie like Cold Prey that they put a lot of effort into, there’s another movie like Drill Murders that just barely counts as horror where some really chill band of cutthroats will chase an out-of-breath grandpa, or comedy horror movies like Execution Mountain-Dead Snow. So yeah, Scandinavian horror movies are pretty interesting.
I like them all, but I can’t recommend all of them as being scary.

Denmark makes good horror movies too, but not many of them have made it to Japan on DVD. Some Danish horror movies even have covers featuring a Japanese person and some baffling kanji.

By the way, if you’re a newcomer to the horror genre, I’d recommend avoiding horror movies from these countries for the time being:

France – a lot of their scary movies involve fighting fiercely but still meeting a bad end.
Spain – many of them involve being pursued by something both physically and mentally.
Germany – an ominous, terrifying place packed with gory directors.
But they also have cute comedy horror movies like Greed.

There are quite a few Hollywood movies with the title Greed that are good, but the German Greed is interesting too. It’s a record of the adventures of a rugged young man, a glasses wearing girl, and a female crocodile. It qualifies as horror, but Miss Croc is pretty well mannered, so there aren’t any grotesque scenes.

Translation: hikari-kaitou, lost_hitsu
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