Mini Characters of The World

Yesterday’s batch of mini characters of the world.
I’m going to go typeset the new manga!

I-I think I’m used to drawing them[New Zealand] now. . . !
I received many interesting stories about New Zealand, from people who are studying and/or living there.
Thank you, very much!
New Zealand seems like a soothing place.

Translation: maddred
LJ | Original

It’s crazy how much Europe depends on Germany

I’m planning on updating the TOP and the sidebar icons.
This time they’re going to be country style.

A survey reveals the Japanese imagine their country to be a person in their 50s
Thanks for the info!

It’s interesting that when asked to imagine how old Japan would be, Japan ended up being the oldest.

44 year olds…?

Translation: maddred
LJ | Original


>I’d like to see Prussia alone but not lonely.

Psychologically, he’s still in a state where he’s all alone with one animal

>Liechten as mini-skirt santa would make me feel fine

>And it would be best if there was reindeer Switzerland

At once his defense is strengthened greatly!

>As for my request, happy looking Ukraine please.

Різдвом Христовим!

>I want France Niichan to wish me a Merry Christmas

Translation: solss, tuulensisko
LJ | Original


