Japan and Greece Summary

■Greece and Japan and the Cat Relation■

Greece and Japan appear to have gotten along for a long time,
and the cultural exchange occurred earlier than other European powers.
There are also a lot of Greeks who study Japanese.
Since long ago, Greece has followed at Japan’s side whenever something comes up.

Incidentally, his relations with his next door neighbour, Turkey, are the worst.
Turkey also likes Japan, so we get a situation like this: Greece→Japan←Turkey.

■Exchanged about 15 more times■

■Very slow world of Greece and Japan■

A large quantity of cat ears.

■Youth and Old Man■

Saying this Japanese expression is convenient.

■ Number of times■

Please take a look at this data
[T/N: The “Durex global sexual survey” about “Frequency of sex”, Greece is NO.1
and Japan is worst. Also in the data of 2008 too..]

■ Rainy Day ■

A supplement because the words wouldn’t display with 3 panel strips.
The title’s “The hair’s curliness in the rain”.

■Until It Becomes Buried in the Cabinets■

Japanese time, early morning

After falling for the same trick, Japan has also buried
Billy’s Boot Camp and Juicer in the depths of his cabinets.

Scanlation: dawnelkin, minjii
Original Translated Version: 1, 2, 3 | Original