
Girl Practice

>I love Spain, I draw him, but it doesn’t look like him…
Though it is my problem… I showed some courage this time and e-mailed you.
How can I draw a wonderful Boss?
I want you to teach me carefully, please.

Thank you! Draw Spain’s head full of loose curls hairy to be like the real thing.

>Hetalia’s United Kingdom is England and who else?
Or the UK is represented by England?
By Big Brothers is it meant Scotland, Wales and Ireland?

Yes. Though England is the United Kingdom, when he comes back home, he becomes the fourth son of four siblings.
His older brothers, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, are three people.

>Here 竹林 (Bamboo Thicket) is said as “takebayashi”?
Can it also be “chikurin”?

Either way is fine!
I think “chikurin” sounds cute and will write that.

>A question, what do the Five Nordic nations call each other?
In the Nordic manga it was anxious for a moment.
Please keep up the work.

Thank you very much!
Tentatively, it’s like this.

Translation: jammerlea, demizeku_otp

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