Manga summary 1 “Can’t Escape from Italy” “Fierce Fighting Asian! Academy” “G8”


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Now, a Return to the Main Topic: Sea Turtles and Southern Italy

【 The sea turtles are also worried 】

【Baby Turtles】

It seems that an unusual happening occurred in which a number of baby sea turtles went astray at a coastal restaurant in Calabria, Italy.

Since Calabria has always put great efforts in the protection of these precious sea turtles, this news became quite the talk of town locally


A region rich in natural resources at the “toe” part of the boot-shaped Italy.
Olive cultivation is very prosperous there.
Spanish influence is strong in this area and the region’s dialect is a hybrid of Spanish and Italian.

It’s also a place where you will find many sightseeing spots famous for strange and beautiful streets that look like the buildings have descended from the cliffs.

But you’ll have to hold your rucksack like this!

【SSC Napoli】

This is a soccer team from the city of Naples, Italy.
In the past it was a famous team that won a lot of championships.
By the way, in the year the turtle incident occurred, they ranked 12th in Series A.

Translation: donamoeba


Canada-san in the WBC

□Who are you!?! Special Attack Team Italy□

Italy’s team is mostly made up of Non-Italians.

[T/N: For those who don’t know, here’s some info on the World Baseball Classic.
Since I certainly didn’t know what “WBC” stood for before doing this… *doesn’t care about sports*
Also, I don’t know why Canada kept changing Kumajiro’s name. I simply enjoyed it.]

Translation: alcnolien
LJ | Original

Wait! Lunar New Year!

Hello, if you’ll notice, the Lunar New Year has ended! I’m Himaruya Hidekazu.

Every year during the Lunar New Year, a bunch of stands get set up in Chinatown and dragons parade around, so if you’re ever in NY during the Lunar New Year, make sure to stop by!
Every year, that kind of stuff [in the drawing] is being sold at the shops and I always wanna buy it, but every year I’m just let loose…

Part of a rough draft of Romano. Romano’s so easy to draw, I love it.

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I’m so sorry! Seems like it [my cold] came back again.
These days, I feel I completely know how serious a matter my health is.
I feel my fever going dowwwn.

Because I made mistakes here and there and some spelling mistakes before, I’m fixing it!
Thank you for reporting it.

The sequel comic to the postcript from volume 2 part 2.
※I forgot the sequel.
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