The 12th month ahhhhhhhhh!!

There’s no time to be sleeping soundly!!

[T/N: Garum and Shotsuru are Japanese fish sauces.]

>It seems like it’d be hard to create a movie that’d move England to tears. What kind of story would make him cry?

When I read British critiques, it seems like they’re very harsh on blockbusters but like to rave about movies that are a bit weird. Instead of crying at scenes where you’re supposed to, I think England is much more moved by everyday scenes or by an innocuous word or gesture.

Whenever England makes movies, there’s always a weird twist so they’re very interesting!
28 Weeks Later, France—!!

[T/N: 28 Weeks Later]

>Regarding Japan and Anicetus, I can’t see the distinction after all. Do they have the same build?

Their build is like, well, one’s Japanese and the other’s Greek…
Yes yes. They’re different… just use your gut feelings…

see the difference with your gut feelings…

Arashiyama in the summer!!

Translation: kurukurumaki, lost_hitsu
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