Thank you for your thoughts!

A few replies continue from here!

>Does Spain and Italy use twitter?

They do have accounts but they prefer speaking directly.

>World rankings

Thank you for the info on the pervertedness of each country.
It seems like a funny programme!

>In the end there’s ennui… is what was said, could it be…


>Takenoko Quest

Thank you for playing.
I’m happy you enjoyed it.

>”A bit of fire” is personally my favourite.

I kinda want to interrogate myself when I gave that name for roughly an hour.*

[T/N: *Partially quoting the Yoshinoya Rant from 2chan.]

Translation: kanami_yuuta, spaghettifelice
LJ | Original

One thought on “Thank you for your thoughts!”

  1. Thank you for your thoughts!

    A few replies continue from here!

    Image: *boing* Hey hey It’s me!

    >World rankings

    Thank you for the info on the pervertedness of each country
    It seems like a funny programme!

    >In the end there’s ennui… is what was said, could it be


    >Takenoko Quest

    Thank you for playing
    I’m happy you enjoyed it.

    >”A bit of fire” is personally my favourite.

    I kinda want to interrogate myself when I gave that name for roughly an hour.*

    *Partially quoting the Yoshinoya Rant from 2chan

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