Ween ween Halloween

I wish Christmas would come after the New Year’s hype!

Scenes from France’s ghost town
So beautiful and yet so sad.

Norway’s ghostly monk is said to be appearing in a cathedral.

Eye-witness evidence:
Long time ago, there was this incredibly good-looking monk in the cathedral.
The light in his eyes was beautiful and haunting – and so handsome.
It’s said he strangled a priest, all the while looking good, with his face delicate and slim.
If you look closely, there is blood running from his neck. And yet he still manages to look so good.

What a babe.

[T/N: More about the bloody ghost of Trondheim]

Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original


I wonder, if the orange uniforms of American prisoners are so popular as cool Halloween costumes, couldn’t it happen that actual prisoners would mingle in with the crowds?

The spirit of the apple tree in Mir castle that the owner ordered to cut down is still revenging herself by luring people into the lake…

[T/N: The Apple Tree legend]

The ghost of Room 324 of a Swedish hotel is like the Romeo of a Swedish version of Romeo and Juliet.
A commoner and the daughter of a baron fell in love, however, the baron did not think that was proper, and to put an end to it had his daughter marry a man of a different status…

[T/N: This refers to the Taftaholm Herrgard hotel in Sweden. ]


Translation: lost_hitsu, jammerlea
LJ | Original