Su-san Su-san

>Whom does England like better, Germany or France?

They are old friends so if he should be paired up with someone, I would say it’s France.
But he wants to hit them both sometimes.

>The “sir” thing that you mentioned in America book, how frequently is it used?

It’s comparatively often used as a polite way to call after someone, for example they say “sir”, “miss” or “madame” in shops. I’ve heard the English feel a bit awkward when they get called like that, like “I don’t have the title yet”. lol

>I saw your name on Facebook, is it really you?

Oh no…who’s this impostor!////
I don’t have a facebook account, so sadly it’s not me.

>The “service for all” thing for vol. 4, what it will be like?

The text part grew really long! I was allowed to play with a lot of characters again, so I hope different people will be able to enjoy it.
The childhood friend country will join in too this time!

>Blue potato chips

I’ve heard they make them from really blue potatoes. They are refreshing and very tasty, so they make a great souvenir! According to the info I got from my readers, they are rich on that ingredient that is also in blueberries.

>I’m confused since volume 4 – are Italy and Chibitalia two separate countries?

It looks like that, right? lol
How he beat the Osman Turks with their own game, made clever compromises, found a way to get rid of the Turks and how he skillfully managed the diplomatic relations – really a tough kid, just like a completely different person.
But even as a child he liked to take things easy, and there were some warning signs for his future…

・ he was incredibly optimistic right before the French invasion, and it’s said the invasion proceeded as easy as a knife through hot butter
・ Other countries took advantage of them as the two Italies punched each other in their quarrel
・ And this quarrel continued for so long that even Spain couldn’t look away anymore and had to reprimand them.

>Mini Korea is so cool!

Translation: lost_hitsu
LJ | Original

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