“I will fuck you!”

Bamboo Shoot Quest
I edited the flags and uploaded a side dish.

I used these materials.
First Seed Material

Thank you for your thoughts on a game like this that I kind of don’t understand.
It was a youthful indiscretion…P

[T/N: Said in Kansai dialect.]

I redid the flags for Mr. Nitta, which was having mistakes and disappearing.
If he’s there, you can’t see the child ending or the inn ending.
Also, maybe you shouldn’t stay with him at the inn.

It seems that the child flag was glitching after I fixed the Mr. Nitta flag.
I uploaded it again. Sorry for the trouble of having to redownload.
Thank you for reporting that.
To think that there are people who played the former version and the new one…
I am grateful.

For people who can’t see any of the endings:
1→You disobey Mommy.
2→You hit on the middle-aged guy from the inn.
3→You keep approaching and talking to the person who hits you at the host club.
4→You call the host.
5→You start talking on and on to the child in the upper-left and give (him/her) a cat and wet yourself.
6→Make friends with Mr. Nitta and stay at the in.
What is this…?

A few replies after the break.
>I remembered this on Halloween, so about foreign countries’ folklore…
It seems that the world’s folklore goes back about 2600 years.
In Iran’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, the main character is a boy.
In China’s version of Cinderella, the prince acts selfishly and a meteorite falls on the stepsisters.

Thank you for the interesting information.
Even though it’s a fairy tale, the fact that there was an unexpected meteorite is like a Hollywood climax, lol.

>I saw an interesting TV show. It’s called World Ranking, and there was a ranking called “Country With the Most Flirting”, but Italy was forced into second place, and Lithuania of all countries was shining in first place, lololol.

Beating Italy is amazing, Lithuania!
Lithuania, recorded even in documents from several hundred years ago as more serious and diligent than Germans.
I wonder if they’ve loosened up a lot lately?

[T/N: This is the show: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ネプ&イモトの世界番付]

>I saw this on TV, but they said that the country with the most flirting (out of 45 countries polled) is Lithuania!!
Italy was number 2, and Australia was number 3.
A foreigner who appeared on the show said,
“The Italians just didn’t answer the poll honestly, and they’re actually number 1.”
The show had a corner for investigating that, and as usual, it was the main country of flirting.

That’s an interesting show!
It’s great to have this kind of verification!
In America they also chat up women a lot.
It looks like I’ll be reminded of this information every time I see an Italian.

>Touhoku Zunko-san

Cute! [<---T/N: in thick Touhoku-dialect]

>Is it okay if I do a play-by-play review of the game?

You’ll do that!? You’ll really do that!?
If you mess around as you wish with a play-by-play or review of the game,
it will surely die and go to Heaven!


Typo typo-kun

Translation: y4nderenka
LJ | Original

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