Country cats request

Requested cat collection

Japan Oracle, 4th generation employee dog, Candy, welcoming ceremony
So fluffy!
One by one, lots of animals are finding jobs at Japanese businesses.
By the way, Okinawa’s awamori shop has a cat manager. It seems it generally goes out, sleeps, or fights with other cats.
Also, it looks like Fukushima has a cat stationmaster, I want to go and meet it.

Translation: spaghettifelice

One thought on “Country cats request”

  1. Requested cat collection

    Japan Oracle, 4th generation employee dog, Candy, welcoming ceremony
    So fluffy!
    One by one, lots of animals are finding jobs at Japanese businesses.
    By the way, Okinawa’s awamori shop has a cat manager. It seems it generally goes out, sleeps, or fights with other cats.
    Also, it looks like Fukushima has a cat stationmaster, I want to go and meet it.

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