




The index was updated!

I finished a task, so I’ll be drawing the TOP picture soon.
This time, I put together buttons with a countryside feel and the index.


Feel free to use it if you feel like it can be used for something.

■After this■

【дранікі (Draniki)】
Pancakes made of tubers that are widely eaten in the northern areas of Europe.
They are fried or baked, and if they are made with potatoes, they are cut and mixed together,
and the way they are homemade differs by country and location.
Personally, I like eating them with soy sauce!

Translation: y4nderenka, spaghettifelice
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Roussya Cat

Drawing the new index and TOP pictures right now.
It’s my first job of the new year so I need to do my best!

Falling apart while sledding?! A traditional German sled race
It looks fun! And the Germans are so cute!!

I bought a necklace type clock that looks like a time bomb switch; it makes me feel a sense of urgency, so I get my work done faster. Highly recommended.

Translation: maddred
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Anglo-Japanese Alliance

England-san worked too hard during the Alliance.

Big-wigs between Japan and England exchanged Xmas cards garnished with bilateral national flags.
And England made Japan various kinds of ships diligently.
And the launching ceremony was held on a grand scale bilaterally (The card is cute).
There were various exchanges between Japan and England.
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Country cats request

Requested cat collection

Japan Oracle, 4th generation employee dog, Candy, welcoming ceremony
So fluffy!
One by one, lots of animals are finding jobs at Japanese businesses.
By the way, Okinawa’s awamori shop has a cat manager. It seems it generally goes out, sleeps, or fights with other cats.
Also, it looks like Fukushima has a cat stationmaster, I want to go and meet it.

Translation: spaghettifelice

Cats and Japan

Waah, it’s the Greek army!

[T/N: The file name of the first picture is “Nihonihosan to ameneko”, or something like “Japa-Japa-san and Americat”. It doesn’t sound offensive in Japanese, though. =A= The second one’s file name is also “Waah, it’s the Greek army”.
By the way, that appears to be a reference to one of his “Punchlines for when I can’t think of punchlines” strips in book three.]

Translation: rinrin0
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