It might still be before christmas due to a distortion in space time continuum

As there is sometimes distortion in the space time continuum in Hetalia, we’re investigating to see if this male isn’t the culprit.

Translation: kurukurumaki, hikari-kaitou, don_amoeba
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From the bonus book

Kinda like this.

The background for the page on the god Aten.
He’s so cute and oblivious that I can understand why Pharaoh Ahkenaten was so taken with him. He was the type of god that would only speak to the pharaoh.

A German and his oldest brother who were borrowed to help with making the copy books.

I ended up going to a print shop for the history (no-longer-a) copy book, so they became actual books. They put the books together so nicely and in such a large quantity, I’m glad I left it to them.

Translation: hikari-kaitou, don_amoeba
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From the book

Front and back cover!

An illustration that didn’t end up in the book.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens between America and Cuba in the near future! Americans’ reactions have ranged from unease, to excitement over the gain of a new travel destination, to comments like “where’s that?” and “(about Cuba) we should try to get along with Asian countries!” and “do they have beaches there?”

Translation: hikari-kaitou, y4nderenka
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This is what’s going to be at winter comiket!!

Thanks to you all these are the things that will be available!
You can click on the image for a larger size!

The appearance of a new character, the “colleague”! He handles an enormous workload all by himself! He’s super strong!

Translation: kurukurumaki, don_amoeba
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